Get Tiles

Pull a tile layer from an adhoc request.

The only required parameter in this request is audience_id, but
depending on what parameters are present, certain parameters become
required. The API will return 400 Bad Requests with a description of what
is missing.

Geo Parameters

  • If a market_id is specified, the tiles being returned will be
    restricted to that market. This can also be accomplished using the bounds
    parameter directly, but the query will run much faster with both
    market_id and bounds specified in the request.
  • If bounds is specified, then the request must also have zoom.
  • If level is specified, the would-be-computed level based on zoom is
    overridden. If you are requesting an entire market with no bounds, this will
    default to a certain "market-level", but can be overridden here.

Styling Parameters

  • If dynamic is set to True, but there are no bounds, it is ignored.
  • If dynamic is set to False, then market_id must be present.
  • If both buckets and colors are specified, the length of the colors
    array must be equal to the buckets parameter.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!