Attribution Checklist
This doc is a checklist for attribution operators
For very small campaigns, it is unlikely we will sample enough data to detect a significant lift. The first step is to determine whether or not a campaign is feasible. Typically, we like to target at least 10 million impressions for each cut we are trying to measure.
Determine study structure
These are items that can and should be fleshed out with client before coming to Mira
Establish campaign dates
This one is simple: when does the campaign start and end? Are there separate flights?
Select conversion properties
What is your client trying to measure conversion to?
Choose attribution window
This one depends on the use case and the client, but we typically recommend an attribution window of at least 7 days, and no more than 30 days.
This is a qualitative argument - the shorter your conversion window, the more likely an attributed conversion's relationship with an exposure was causal.
Determine pre period
Does your client want a pre period? If so, and they are measuring app or web, will they be able to get the pixel and postback set up in time?
Determine cut fields
Managed Service Only
Cuts are currently only available for the manage service offering.
Cut fields group the results of a study into smaller subsets or groups of results. This typically adds a cost so is important to figure out beforehand.
Some fields we can cut on without additional information from you, since we are able to infer it from the required data. These would be things such as market of exposure, property, and goal (for conversion). If, for example, you wanted us to break down results by format or creative name, we must have those fields in the provided exposure files!
Configure conversion properties
Some conversion properties must be set up before the campaign begins!
Determine goals, request, and place web pixels
Determine which website goals will be tracked and request the appropriate pixels. The client must implement these prior to the start of the pre period if a pre is being used, or before the campaign starts otherwise.
Determine goals, request, and implement SDK postbacks
Determine which app actions are being tracked, request postback property IDs, and implement the postbacks. The client must add the postback configurations to their analytics SDKs prior to the start of the pre period if a pre is being used, or before the campaign starts otherwise.
Create location list or POI specification for footfall studies
Managed Service Only
Footfall conversion properties are currently only available for the manage service offering.
For footfall studies, ensure we have a list of locations being tracked, or a POI specification.
Configure exposure sources
Console Does Not Transact Data
Currently, source data is not transacted within the console. However, the following still applies to users of the Mira Console who correspond with customer support to deliver data files.
Ensure that all the exposure sources in the campaign have what we need. This is explained more in depth in each page, but below are the most common gotchas
Ensure static media has latitude, longitude, facings
Ensure the static inventory in your media plan is provided with latitude, longitudes, and facings for each unit in the plan. In some cases, vendors may only provide cross streets.
In certain types of media formats, an entire network is bought and the vendor does not have precise location information on those types of screens. An example of this is place-based media in shopping malls. Contact your account manager to determine the best path forward.
Ensure digital vendors can deliver ad logs
Most digital vendors will pass along a proof-of-play file. This is not the correct type of file. Read more on the digital exposure source doc .
Each vendor or network must provide a file, such that the entire buy is covered!
Ensure mobility OOH vendors can deliver waypoint files
This is typically not an issue since the tech behind mobility OOH is relatively new. The bottom line is that we need high resolution waypoints/ad play logs with latitude and longitude present. Read more on the mobility OOH exposure source doc
Updated about 3 years ago