Conversion Properties

Conversion Properties are individual, scoped sources of conversion event data.

In the simplest sense, conversion data is a table where each row is an event, and each event has a) a user ID (e.g. a mobile advertising ID), b) a timestamp, and c) metadata describing the conversion (e.g. "install" or "download"). These conversion events are what we are trying attribute to OOH exposure.

Mira makes three conversion types available out of the box:

  • Web - tracking actions taken on a standard web page via a browser (desktop or mobile)
  • App - tracking actions taken in a native app (iOS and Android)
  • Footfall - tracking conversions to physical locations using our location dataset


Limited Console Support

Currently, only Web and App Properties can be created in the Mira Console.

Setup Considerations

When we integrate conversion environments, there are various degrees of set up needed. The first degree is whether something needs to be configured before the campaign begins. The second degree is whether, after initial set-up, data needs to be actively collected:

Conversion TypePre-Campaign Config?Actively Fielded (During Campaign)
Brand SurveyYesYes

Because footfall studies are built on our always-on location data, nothing is required before the campaign begins. They can even run retroactively, after a campaign has already finished.

Web and app studies need to configure web pixels and SDK postbacks, respectively, before we begin receiving that conversion data. However, once these are set up, they are active for the entire campaign and can even be used for more than one campaign. These points are described in-depth in each subpage.

Brand Surveys

Brand Surveys are listed here for convenience in set up, but don't truly fit into our standard attribution analysis. As such, please consult the Brand Surveys page.