POI Segments

How to build visitation-based segments

A POI segment, also referred as a location segment, is one that is derived by analyzing visitation to a set of locations or POIs over a set time range. Using Mira's massive mobile location dataset, segments are created by observing mobile advertising IDs at locations and POIs over the appropriate time range.


Restrictions on Updates

A location-based segment may not have the specification that was used altered after it is created.

Time Parameters

The time range of a POI segment can be specified in one of two ways:

  • specifying a start and end date, which are fixed points in time
  • specifying a lookback, which is a constantly updating segment that looks back a certain number of days

For lookback-type segments, the system is instructed to refresh this segment on an ongoing basis. An example of this is "visited Brand A in the last 30 days", in which user IDs would be entering and exiting the segment as time goes on.

Further, segments can be restricted to specific days of the week (e.g. Friday or Saturday) and times of day (e.g. Morning, or between 7pm and 10pm).


Additionally, users may add requirements about the visitation level for these types of segments via the num_visits parameter. This has two sub-parameters, at_least and at_most, which are both integers.

Geo / POI Parameters

In addition to specifying the time parameters for these segments, we of course must specify the parameters that control the set of locations that are eligible to be counted. This is accomplished through poi_chain_ids and poi_category_ids, which filter the POIs by their chains and categories respectively. Furthermore, we can restrict POIs by their market, zipcode, or block group with market_ids, postal_code_ids, and block_group_ids:

  • poi_chain_ids will restrict eligible locations to the franchise identified by the specified POI Chains
  • poi_category_ids will restrict eligible locations to a particular set of POI Categories
  • poi_ids will restrict eligible locations to a particular set of POIs
  • market_ids - restrict the POIs further by their Nielsen DMA
  • postal_code_ids - restrict the POIs further by zip codes
  • block_group_ids - restrict the POIs further by block groups


For example, POI segments can be:

  • users that visit Brand A in the last 30 days (continuously update)
  • users that visit Brand A or Brand B from 2020-06-01 to 2020-06-15
  • users that visit Brand A in the New York market in the last 30 days
  • users that visit Veterinarians (POI Category) in Los Angeles or Chicago in the last 15 days on Saturdays and Sundays between 5 and 7pm
  • users that visit department stores at least 2 times and at most 5 times in the past 30 days in Boston
  • users that visited this geojson file I uploaded in the past 30 days


Full Console Support

POI Segments can be created in the Mira Console, provided your user has the appropriate scopes.