Markets, Postal Codes, and Block Groups

Markets correspond to the Nielsen DMAs that are typically used in advertising and marketing. Markets define an external_id that is numerical, and equal to the Nielsen DMA identifier. Markets also make available some helpful identifiers via their tags. All markets have in their tags:

  • nielsen_id - the Nielsen DMA identifier (e.g. 501 is New York)
  • market_key - the TAB/Geopath identifier for that market (useful for out of home)

Currently, Markets are read-only.


Regions are simply subclasses of Geofences that belong to a Market (via the market_id property). There are currently two types of regions: Block Groups and Postal Codes, though this may be expanded in the future. Regions are meant to encompass administrative boundaries that might be useful for analysis.

Regions have an external_id that corresponds to its native identifier. This is distinct from the id property, which is an integer in both cases. For example, there may be a Postal Code with an id of 23, but an external_id of 06437.

Currently, all regions are read-only