Mira determines what users are exposed to an out of home campaign by leveraging our mobile location dataset. Exposure can be computed for static traditional, digital, or mobility (moving) OOH. Exposure can also be computed for non-standard environments, such as arena sponsorships.

The result of the exposure process is an "exposure file", which contains an advertising ID, timestamp of exposure, and any metadata that may be leveraged in an "exposure side" cut, such as format or vendor.


While the specific implementation differs based on the exposure source, the general methodology is the same.

Our mobile location data is best summarized as a table with columns: advertising ID, timestamp, and a latitude/longitude pair. Each row states that a specific ID was at a specific point at a specific time.

On the exposure side, we must develop the exposure source into a 2-dimensional geofence. For example, we may receive a latitude/longitude pair for each OOH unit in a media plan. In order to use these 1-D points, we transform them into a shape that represents that area in which that unit was viewable. This is often referred to as the viewshed or geofence.

The shape depends on a few parameters or properties of the OOH inventory, namely the:

  • latitude/lonigtude
  • format
  • size
  • facing / bearing (which way the unit is oriented)

Once we have a viewshed for each OOH unit, we

  • join location data (points) to OOH viewsheds (geofences). Filter for location data that occurred inside of the geofences
  • filter based on time (e.g. campaign dates, ad roll time, waypoint timestamp, etc)


Different Sources; Different Methods

There are three main exposure source types; static, digital, and mobility. Each exposure source type has its own implementation of this methodology. Visit the subpages to learn more.